Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have been so incredibly busy lately. School has seriously taken over (ZZZ), along with finally obtaining a driver's license (woot!), going on a brief vacation (R&R!), and generally just bumming around. I haven't had the time for sleep, let alone putting out consistent blog posts. Although, I do plan to make this blog more of a priority on my list.

Whenever I get really busy, I tend to neglect my health. Sleep becomes a luxury, proper exercise never happens, and the diet consists of fast food and soda. Since I've noticed how horribly I treat myself, I constructed a serious schedule on how to go about getting my health on track.

First up is sleep! 8-9 hours is my new goal, as opposed to the 4-6 I've been clocking in as of now.

Exercise is also a new priority of mine. Since I've given up soccer and dance as a kid, I never had any real physical stimulation. (Apart from sporadic trips to the gym, which would happen prior to major events in life). I aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day, but my true goal is 45 minutes. (30 is just a more manageable number to start out with, so I don't give up before I try).

Food is another extremely important aspect to my health, which I just consume absent-mindedly. Aside from recent weight gain (about 5 pounds), which I noticed only after my jeans became a bit too snug for my liking, diet is seriously important to positive mental health and energy. So, salmon 3x a week (good for fighting inflammation in skin, and contains healty omega 3), lots of fruit and vegetables, and absolutely no soda!

That's the plan! Any takers?