Monday, April 26, 2010

Can I Pay With a Peach?

A couple of weeks ago- 10pm on a Friday night, to be exact- a friend and I decided that a drive down to Florida sounds like a splendid idea. Now, take note, we've been considering a trip to the Sunshine State for months, but neglected to purchase airplane tickets or even secure hotel reservations. So, imitating the nature of gypsies, drifters, and free birds, we packed our bags in all of 20 minutes (didn't forget a thing, I'll have you know!), loaded the contents into her trunk, and made our way down the East Coast for some white sand and clear water.

The trip down was not so terrible, although it was slightly uncomfortable driving 10 hours straight in the back of a Jetta- twice. (We stopped once in Virginia and another time in Jacksonville, before finally reaching Clearwater Beach). Regardless, there weren't any noteworthy incidents on the way there and everything went quite smoothly. The trip back, however, is another story.

As we were crossing into Georgia's border, my friend could not stop discussing the "very aggressive" behavior of the state's police force. Apparently, she watched a cop show of some sort, or it might've been a documentary (who's listening?), about the amount of tickets Georgia's police dish out. Just as she was saying, "You have to be very careful with this Georgia. They ticket people like it's nothing", the sound of sirens filled the highway, and my friend let out one big F-bomb.

We had just passed a lot of traffic on the highway and Friend was very eager to resume driving at a 100mph pace, although at the time we got pulled over, her VW was running at a mere 91. While we did our best to be let go with a warning, "Come on! It's Easter Sunday, officer! You're ruining our holiday!", the Southern boy ticketed us like it was his job (Which it just so happens to be). Apparently, though, if Friend had been driving at 85mph or lower, no points would be issued towards her insurance. But, since she was over that limit by a good 6 speedometer points, Friend will now have to pay the ticket, and higher insurance.

I did ask the officer if he could be bribed with peaches, so as to put this whole ordeal in the past.Ha! Just kidding, but I thought it the entire time, so that counts for something? Right? Right?

Yet, I must say, I'm pretty impressed that my friend only collected one ticket on our round trip down the East Coast. I was bracing myself for at least a good three.

Lesson Learned: If you plan to speed, always have at least one car ahead of yours, so as to avoid being the one ticketed. And make sure it's not done within Georgia's borders.

Word to the wise: Jersey doesn't issue insurance points to out-of-staters (I know where I'll be doing my lawbreaking).

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